A Food Lover’s Guide To Singapore

I have been saving links to multiple blog posts (my favourite being) and Instagram posts of all things ‘food’ in Singapore. So safe to say, my entire itinerary for the 4 day trip was largely around eating. I found myself taking the MRT (Metro/Subway) to various spots of the island to various streets, markets and halting on the way to check off some dishes from my list!

The first on my foodie list was something that is synonymous with Singapore. #KayaToast


You simply cannot start any food story about Singapore without #KayaToast  – arguably the most popular all day breakfast dish there. I had planned to eat it at a specific brand of Ya Kun Kaya Toast but ended up eating this once a day at some point. One needs fuel and coffee, and what better fuel than such a delicious grill!

What it is? A grilled sandwhich/toast with kaya or coconut jam and butter. (Or Pandan if you are into that) People usually order eggs and a good cuppa coffee along with it, making the entire meal so satisfying. It’s comfort food.



Speaking of comfort food, I want to talk about something that though popular across the globe, but sometimes I still feel it is under appreciated – #DimSums


My friend who is now a local in the city took me to a place where you can basically go into dimsum heaven! This is a place called Swee Choon Tim Sum which was in Jalan Besar. What I ate here? Apart from the spicy dumpling in chilli sauce (picture above) or Sichuan Chilli Oil Wanton , I realllly liked the steamed salted egg custard bun 

Salted Egg Custard. Who would have thought I’ll be licking this up? I recently discovered the trend while in Jakarta this year and I’ve grown to really like it!  The buns at Swee Choon were modest but make a great sweet salty snack!


Swee Choon is defintely worth spending a long afternoon at trying multiple things and catching up with old friends… ( a specific prompt to share a picture of my friend here)

Also check out: @khaanaandcockails 


All the Hawker centers in Singapore will lead you to amazing (and affordable) food. And while I couldn’t visit each and every one I had to visit Chinatown for my first Michelin meal.

#Throwback to #Bangkok – I had waited for hours outside the famous Jay Fai for her famous crab omelettes, but realised it was wayyy outside my spending range as a budget traveler.

So when I heard that Chinatown’s Liao Fan and his famous Hong Kong Soya Chicken and Noodle (or rice) was within my spending power, I had to visit!

Chinatown’s main hawker center has over 260 food stalls and as per what I’ve heard food there won’t send you back unhappy. But my visit was for the chicken noodles (and my first Michelin Star dish).

The chicken was beautifully cooked, sauce flavorsome and noodles buttery soft! It was a simple peasant dish and while I’m not going to call it the ‘best ever’, I had a very satisfactory meal!



Tiong Bahru and Kampong Glam while on my list for the street art and gorgeous buildings, enjoy a good food culture as well. Think coffee shops In Tiong Bahru and cool hipster bars and middle eastern restaurants in Kampong Glam (also known as Arab Street… like duh)… Loved the atmosphere there and would definitely recommend a stroll and maybe a couple of beers, cups of good coffee and some desserts on the way…



MY favourite from my eating expedition in Singapore however was trying the Sambal Stingray

It was just something I wanted to try out, but the seafood lover in me was surprised at how delicious the dish (and fish) is! Grilled stingray marinated in sambal (chilli sauce made from spiccy red chilies, shallots and a little bit of sweet and sour from tamarind and cane sugar). The fish comes wrapped in a banana leaf and is mostly either grilled or baked in the same. Ask for some freshly chopped red onions/shallots, extra sauce and a bowl of rice and you have yourself an amaazing lunch! I had mine at the Newton Hawker Centre and it trust me it was more delicious than it looks ❤



Places (read Dishes) I Should Go Back For…

Lau Pa Sat hawker Center

Maxwell Food Center (Apparently popular with a certain Mr. Gordon Ramsay and a late Mr. Bourdain and especially need to try the Hainanese Chicken Rice at Tian Rian Chicken Rice, another Michelin recipient)

Oyster Omelette 

Carrot Cake

Anymore reccos?? Leave comments please? 

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